Architecture Museum

Il Divino – Michelangelo’s Sistine Ceiling in VR

A Virtual Reality experience powered by Unreal Engine where you can walk through and learn about the Sistine Chapel Ceiling: Il Divino: Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Ceiling. The experience was originally created exclusively for the SIGGRAPH 2019 Immersive Pavilion, by the.


The Body VR – Journey Inside a Cell

An educational virtual reality experience that takes the user inside the human body. Travel through the bloodstream and discover how blood cells work to spread oxygen throughout the body. Enter one of the billions of living cells inside our body.

Archaeology Museum

The VR Museum of Fine Art

A virtual museum that exhibits quite a few famous artifacts, but doesn’t take itself too serious: If you’ve been training to be a space pirate and building fantastical contraptions all day, the Museum is your ticket to a well-deserved break..


National Geographic Explore VR

An interactive expedition that let’s you travel the world as an explorer on a mission to photograph two of the most beautiful places on the planet. Head to Antarctica and start the exciting expedition through the unique landscape. Navigate around.


Home – A VR Spacewalk

An experience that puts you at the center of the story, taking you on a journey in space while delivering beautiful and memorable moments. Anyone who has ever dreamed of going to space can now see this dream come true,.



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Apollo 11 VR

A virtual recreation of the American spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module.

World War II

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Dokumentation Führerbunker

A historically authentic, interactive documentary for VR and non-VR systems (Windows PC) about the horror of National Socialism and the.


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The VR Museum of Fine Art

A virtual museum that exhibits quite a few famous artifacts, but doesn’t take itself too serious: If you’ve been training.


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Guildford Castle VR

A free roaming, narrative VR documentary with light interactivity. Guilford Castle has been built by William the Conqueror or one.